- Campus:
- IU Bloomington
Focus of the story: Brief synopsis of your struggle
I learned following a set path may not support personal growth.
Describe your learning story and how you developed, grew and/or overcame the problem.
I came to the Kelley school with kind of a specific expectation of what the experience might be like. What I quickly learned was that trying to follow a set path isn't the best way to achieve the personal growth that is so vital to Kelley. Failure to me is kind of a divergence from what your expectations were and so when I wasn't getting into a couple of clubs that I expected to be getting into, I felt lost pretty quickly. I think I was certainly afraid to fail and what it caused me to do is not take advantage of the opportunities that are here.
Having a support network here was extremely vital in my ability to overcome failure. Professor Emily Dutton did a great job of seeing something special in me when I didn't really see it in myself and that really propelled me, especially freshman year, to continue to find where I can make a unique impact. The greatest tool that the Kelley school has for helping students who are overcoming failure is its organizations. They allow you to make changes or to follow your specific passion. There's a ton of different committees that you can become involved in. I think what really topped it off for me was the chance to be a mentor and to share the challenges I faced with younger students who might be going through some of the same challenges I was going through.
Describe the impact that this experience had on you.
I think failure at Kelley is becoming something that more folks are talking about, and I think what we found is that there is kind of a bonding in the struggles that we have gone through. Success is becoming content with who you are, it's becoming happy for the achievements of the others around you and it's being okay with the strengths that you've been given and the opportunities that you've taken advantage of along the way. Finding a way to make your own unique impact is what's really important at Kelley.
Description of the video:
I came to the Kelly school with kind of a specific expectation of what the experience might be like. One of my biggest role models, my oldest brother had gone here, and he had done just awesome things here, and our whole family was really proud of him. And he continued to be one of my mentors throughout the Kelly experience. But what I quickly learned was that trying to follow a set path isn't the best way to kind of achieve the personal growth that is so vital to Kelly. Failure to me is kind of a divergence from what your expectations were. And so when I wasn't getting into a couple of clubs that I expected to be getting into, I felt lost pretty quickly. I think I was certainly afraid to fail. And what it caused me to do is not take advantage of the opportunities that are here. Having a support network here was extremely vital in my ability to overcome failure, Professor Emily Dutton, did a great job of seeing something special in me when I didn't really see that in myself. And that really propelled me, especially freshman year to continue to find where I can make a unique impact. The greatest tool that the Kelly school has for helping students who are overcoming failure is its organizations. They allow you to make changes or to follow your specific passion. There's a ton of different committees that you can become involved in. And then I think what really topped it off was the chance to be a mentor and to share the challenges I've faced with younger students who might be going through some of the same challenges I was going through. I think failure at Kelly is becoming something that more folks are talking about. And I think what we've found is that there's kind of a bonding in the struggles that we've gone through. Success is becoming content with who you are. It's becoming happy for the achievements of the others around you, and it's being okay with the strengths that you've been given and the opportunities that you've taken advantage of along the way. Finding a way to make your own unique impact is what's really important at Kelly.