You can expand on your experience by getting involved outside of class. Getting involved with campus clubs and organizations is a great way to build your skills, gain confidence and accomplishments, deepen your learning by putting it into practice, and expand your sense of belonging and support at IU. No matter what campus you call home, there's a club or organization for you. Find your campus below and connect!
Description of the video:
Welcome to learning IU. My name is Hanna and I will be guiding you through your journey here at IU with the help of your fellow students. These videos will help you learn how to study smarter, grow professionally, stay healthy, and find tech. During your time at IU, you can enhance your experiences by getting involved outside of class. Getting involved with campus clubs and organizations is a great way to build your skills, gain confidence, and expand your sense of belonging at IU. Let's hear from your fellow students on how they got involved outside of the classroom. I think one of the easiest ways to get involved is just by going to these different club meetings. Even if you're not really doing anything, just being there is doing something, you're putting yourself in a new place. You're also familiarizing yourself with new concepts and ideas. But also, you're getting to have a little bit of fun. Whether if the one event you go to is like we do canvas and xs for my club, so you can paint, you can get a drink. You can just experience something new and then maybe you'll feel interested in going on for further things. If you don't, you tried it. You made a step, and that's cool. But you're trying new things. And so I think just taking that small initiative to stop and talk to somebody or stop in visit a club event as it's happening because so many things are always happening on campus. You can be walking to class and there's 12 different events happening. Just grabbing something quick. It can change a lot of things for people. I'm in the honors program, and so they always have events on campus events that you can go to meet new people outreach into the community. I've also started to do some tutoring and peer mentoring, which has allowed me to get engaged into my academic life and into the new students that come here. I believe that this campus is a home to all students. If you feel like you don't belong, you do belong. We want all students to feel welcome, we want them to feel encouraged to participate, to get involved. If a student ever feels left out, they shouldn't. There's a lot of different opportunities, a lot of different people to talk to. No matter what campus you call home, there's a club or organization for you. Okay. Thanks for watching, and be sure to visit Learning.IU for more tips on enhancing your IU experience.